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Degree Objectives

Robotics & Embedded Systems

1. Design and complete robotic and embedded systems solutions that  apply to real-world situations and challenges. 
2. Implement a simple microprocessor using digital logic design. 
3. Demonstrate embedded system design skills, including, but not limited to, microcontroller selection, schematic design, printed circuit board layout, design for electromagnetic compatibility and design for manufacturing. 
4. Apply knowledge of transducers, actuators and simultaneous hardware and software development in the design of an embedded system. 
5. Design and analyze real-time embedded systems, including advanced digital logic design, signal processing and highspeed digital systems. 
6. Implement and evaluate algorithms and methods enabling autonomy in a mobile robot.

Boards - Objectives: About

1. Design and complete robotic and embedded systems solutions that apply to real-world situations and challenges.

IoT Dog Whistle

This device is a dog whistle that utilizes an M5StickC+ to create a dog whistle. The stick's speaker emits a beep that is a high enough pitch to safely attract your dog's attention and be used as a training device.
- Internet of Things

Helping Hand

Helping hand was a group project that was constructed in Tech Production Studio. Helping Hand was a mechanical arm that was supported by a harness on the wearer's back. The arm was capable of holding small and lightweight items the user.
Contributing Colleagues include: Michael Brewer, Kelly Kramer & Brendan Carlson. 
- Tech Production Studio

Brewer's Eye

Brewer's Eye is a device that is designed to be placed either on fermenting container or in a fermenting room. The device will record the temperature and humidity of the room or fermentation container because either of these factors can drastically alter the ending brew.
- Arduino Embedded Programming

Boards - Objectives: Infographics

2. Implement a simple microprocessor using digital logic design.

555 Timing

LED manipulation with a 555 timer.
- Basic Processor Design

7 Segment Display

After pressing a button a 7 segment display counts from 1-9. 
- Intro to Microcontrollers

Boards - Objectives: Infographics

3. Demonstrate embedded system design skills, including, but not limited to, microcontroller selection, schematic design, printed circuit board layout, design for electromagnetic compatibility and design for manufacturing.

PCB Badge Design

Designed PCB layout for a badge to be built that would flash a series of LED's.
- PCB Build

Oscilloscope Build

Built an oscilloscope by soldering components to PCB. 
-PCB Build

Boards - Objectives: Infographics

4. Apply knowledge of transducers, actuators and simultaneous hardware and software development in the design of an embedded system.

Brewer's Eye

Brewer's Eye is a device that is designed to be placed either on fermenting container or in a fermenting room. The device will record the temperature and humidity of the room or fermentation container because either of these factors can drastically alter the ending brew.
- Arduino Embedded Programming

Helping Hand

Helping hand was a group project that was constructed in Tech Production Studio. Helping Hand was a mechanical arm that was supported by a harness on the wearer's back. The arm was capable of holding small and lightweight items the user.
Contributing Colleagues include: Michael Brewer, Kelly Kramer & Brendan Carlson. 
- Tech Production Studio

Driving Motors

Using an Arduino Uno to manipulate the power that an electrical motor runs at.
- Arduino Embedded Programming

Boards - Objectives: Infographics

5. Design and analyze real-time embedded systems, including advanced digital logic design, signal processing and highspeed digital systems.

Morse Code

Using timers and interrupts, this application takes a message and translates it into Morse code. In this case, the message is "My name is Rico."
- Arduino Embedded Programming

Brewer's Eye

Brewer's Eye is a device that is designed to be placed either on fermenting container or in a fermenting room. The device will record the temperature and humidity of the room or fermentation container because either of these factors can drastically alter the ending brew.
- Arduino Embedded Programming

Simon Says

Testing real time digital input and output, this application uses buttons and LED's to play a simple game of Simon Says. 
- Intro to Microcontrollers

Boards - Objectives: Infographics

6. Implement and evaluate algorithms and methods enabling autonomy in a mobile robot.

Helping Hand

Helping hand was a group project that was constructed in Tech Production Studio. Helping Hand was a mechanical arm that was supported by a harness on the wearer's back. The arm was capable of holding small and lightweight items the user.
Contributing Colleagues include: Michael Brewer, Kelly Kramer & Brendan Carlson. 
- Tech Production Studio

Motor Control

This project utilizes pulse-width modulation motor control to drive a set of motors to manipulate the speeds and directions so when installed a mobile chassis, the machine could change speeds, directions and the like. 
- Intro to Microcontrollers

Wheel Encoders for Mobile Robot

The purpose of this project is to assemble a piece of hardware that could be installed on to a robotic chassis and grant it mobility with simple coded navigation.
- Intro to Microcontrollers

Boards - Objectives: Infographics

©2022 by Rico Garcia. Proudly created with

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